Austin's amazing, Fantastic Blog

Monday, August 14, 2006

Some pics

The other half of my room
A view of my room from the terrace.
This is Timo the 5 yr old showing me some Judo moves!
This is Morten (the 7 yr old) with the kittens.
This is the Euromas that I wrote about earlier with a great restaurant and awesome views. You can also repel from the top during the weekend for about $35 Euro. I am considering it!
This was the main stage at the Romantic (Classical) Music Festival
This couple went all out for the Romantic Music Festival in the park.


  • At 6:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    its pretty sweet! i hope u r having a good time! email me

  • At 8:44 PM , Blogger James said...

    Great pics. You room looks awesome, and the romantic music festival looks like a lot of fun.

  • At 5:58 AM , Blogger Austin said...

    Hey Abigail,

    Thanks for the info. on the Bible study. Yes the room is great and I have been enjoying getting to know the family. The kids are so much fun! There has been so much going on in Rotterdam and I feel like I have seen so much already in the past two weeks. Well the kids started school today and I just picked Caronline up from her school. So I am going to get off of here and fix some lunch.


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